Do you know someone with an autism spectrum disorder? Many more people are affected by this disorder than you might realize. According to , the actor and film writer, Dan Aykroyd, is on the spectrum. Actor Anthony Hopkins makes this list also. Amazing people that we enjoy having in our lives on the big screen. How about the home screen? Perhaps a relative, son or daughter, maybe? Families find these individuals to be amazing too.
Of course, the behaviors can be a problem, right? Let’s think about things that can elevate behaviors or bring them better under control. Texture: autistic often express a strong preference for certain textures in foods because of how they feel in the mouth. One prefers soft and creamy life yogurt; others love crunchy like Cheetos. Lucky people prefer vegetables! Why lucky? Our bodies need nutrition for all the systems to work together smoothly. Smoothly equates to less behaviors and a happier disposition.
Nutrition is possible with some creativity, which can be fun, by the way! For the individual who likes smooth textures there are recipes where veggies are added to yogurt or smoothies or fruit drinks. Good choices. For the crunchy texture preference there are recipes there too! Nu2U Nutrition and Wellness has a growing library of recipes designed to support the human body. I hope you try some of my favorites. My own beautiful daughter likes some of each. Smooth and crunchy. Yes, I got lucky, there!
Looking at the Center for Disease Control ( on December 2, 2021, about 1 in 44 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder.
In my 28 years of sharing my life with an autistic family member, I have not discovered the exact cause. There are some compelling ideas in science. I do know that the food my daughter eats manifests with calm or outbursts. I can plan on it! After you talk to your loved one’s physician for their approval, I hope you will explore the approach of nutrition. Keep a food journal for several weeks. I think you will notice a pattern. Food=outcome of the food. Record everything your loved one eats and drinks, include snacks and vitamins and supplements.
Does your loved one have allergies and sensitivities? Write those down also. This is important information for your entire healthcare team. Each person is so individual. It is what makes us all so amazing! Smooth or crunchy texture loving, amazing people. Got to love it!