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Do You Bruise Easily? Simple Ways to Support Healthy Tissues ...

The reason why most people bruise easily is because their capillaries are too fragile and tear easily. One of the best ways to support your capillaries is to make sure you have excellent sources of bioflavonoids in your diet. Dark colored berries, leafy greens, garlic and onions are great foods to implement. Increase vegetables and fruits in the diet.

  • Rutin – This specific bioflavonoid is known to strengthen blood vessels.

  • Vitamin C is essential for overall health, but has been shown to be very effective in reducing bruising. Try lipospheric vitamin c for better absorption and assimilation in the body.

  • If you do get bruises and want them to disappear quickly, here are a few things to help speed the process, apply these topically:

Aloe Vera




Cabbage leaves

  • Healthy fats are very important for cardiovascular health and skin health both. Include Omega fatty acids in your diet or supplement protocol.

  • Fermented foods and Probiotics – Skin health is directly tied to digestive health. Promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, aid the immune system, improve brain function and mood as well as encourage skin health with this simple addition.

  • Hydration – Increase water intake to improve blood vessel and skin health. Water intake should be 1⁄2 your body weight in ounces each day.

  • Support the body through food –This will help you to implement good fats and proteins into the diet which will help in regulating cardiovascular health and skin health.

Reach out to schedule a personal consultation where we look at your bio-individual health factors or book one of our online courses to educate yourself on upleveling your nutritional practices. We are here for you!


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